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Friday, 15 May 2009

Television Flat Screen Dangerous For Children

According to the research, almost around 8.500 children visit UGD hospital in 2007 because of an accident involving a fall television. A child called Dymounique Wilson aged 4 years and even died because of a similar accident. MSNBC television station that first reported this story, has been providing preventive steps that can be followed by owners of television so that similar incidents do not recur again. 

One of them is: When you hang a flat-screen TV on your wall, it is important not to hurry - hurry possible. You can also use a strap or bracket L (carpenter to install shelves on the wall) to add stability


Apih Yayan said...

nice info..may friend.. good job.

Ocim said...

i just know how dangerous the television flat screen