Microsoft scheduled would release the version candidate (RC) the Vista SP2 during February 2009. Microsoft tried to release the Vista SP2 as quickly as possible to give the incentive to the addition to the user to do upgraded to Windows the Vista and did not continue to be waiting for Windows 7.
The latest news said that apparently SP2 also will experience few delays. However Microsoft will postpone release the RC version for one month. But don't be first discouraged. They will release one version of the addition that was named by them "Release Candidate Escrow Build".
The version was full of the Vista SP2 will be postponed till March that will come. Whereas the RTM version (Release to Manufacturing) that will be spent in the second quarter this 2009. This plan has been postponed that from the beginning will be spent in April.
Reader also could see various available changes. Below this was the forecast of the release schedule Windows the Vista SP2 that the possibility will enter the RTM stage in May or in June. Of course if being not gotten by the significant problem. As usual that has been known by reader, although Microsoft has stated their product as RTM, not we could direct download this application. The date of the issuing SP2 to the public possibly will be carried out several weeks after that.
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